Deep Trauma Release Masterclass
Break Free from Emotional & Physical Suffering...
...Even if you've been stuck in the same cycle for years
MarchĀ 2025
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Learn how your body has trapped emotions over time and how these have manifested as body ailments

Practical Steps of how to process that trauma by releasing and letting go of associated emotions (anger, guilt, shame, anger, sadness etc.)

Learn to manage your emotions better going forward and be in a control of external factors causing you unnecessary suffering
Are You Stuck In A Cycle?
You are tired of feeling confused in your heart and are searching for clarity and direction
You have anxiety or fears that takeover and you feel out of control
You worry about things all the time and it affects your quality of life
You’re stuck in toxic relationship with your spouse or family and you’re desperate to be heard
You were wronged or hurt in the past, and it still haunts you today
You lost a loved one, and since then, nothing has been the same
You suffer with chronic health conditions that you no longer want to live with
You’re in pain... and you just need someone to listen
How It Works

The Aafiyah Deep Trauma Release Masterclass allows individuals to introspect and identify root causes of their trauma, cognitive behaviours, habits and belief systems.
This method includes a unique step by step process that helps to identify the root cause of an ailment. The healing journey continues with releasing that memory and associated feelings safely and follow through a process of forgiveness and self-forgiveness, ultimately reaching self-love and acceptance.
This process is facilitated to ensure that the healing journey is well understood and every effort is made to ensure the experience is as pleasant as possible.
Yes, I'm InterestedFind Relief and Break Free
How would you like to get back in control of your life
To become unstuck and finally free
To let go of emotions that aren’t serving you
To release all that inside of you that’s wearing you down
To find yourself, forgive yourself and accept yourself
To become self-loving
To become stronger for yourself and your loved ones
To improve the healing state of your body
To find relief for your physical, mental or emotional suffering
To reach a place of happiness and content
Sister S Relieved Herself From Over 30 Years Of Built Emotions...

"With having suffered from anxiety over a number of years and the experience of various traumas, I referred myself to the mental health services and was placed on a waiting list.
I heard about Aafiyah Healing on Facebook and the mention of brother Zuhair Girach. The timing was impeccable.On the road to a journey of self realisation and discovery, I was introduced to the world of energy and emotions.Brother Zuhair Girach conducted 4 live webinar sessions in which we were able to interact and carry out various exercises.After each session we had an exercise to complete before the next session began. We learnt practical skills to release emotions.Gradually I was able to experience a shift in my emotions. I felt as if I was more in control of myself and the techniques applied were assisting in my emotional well-being.My relationship with others began to improve, I realised I was a lot more calmer and at peace than I ever have been.The trauma I focused on became a distant memory at the end of the sessions.I had overcome those emotions that I could not let go of for over 30 years.Although, saying that all my other emotions connected to other traumas surfaced! This was inevitable as the body is telling you to deal with all the other harboured emotions.InshaAllah one trauma at a time and I am convinced that the methodology used will assist in the overall healing process.JazakAllah to brother Zuhair for this invaluable exposure to an alternative healing process. May Allah swt bless you"- Sister S
Clients That took the Deep Trauma Masterclass have improved their states after suffering with:

From Unable To Walk To Walking Again...

"Since the processing of my emotions I have noticed a huge difference in my pain levels.
The past few weeks I have been bed ridden with my rheumatoid arthritis. Even though I've been taking 800mg of brufen 3x day I was still in so much pain.
Not being able to walk and use my hands. All my joints were in pain and inflamed from my neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, knees ankles and feet.
Since the release exercises, I have got the use of my body back Alhamdulilah. And have been able to walk.
It's a day and night difference subhanallah.
I am continuing with the release techniques and trying to implement changes to my routine to remove some trigger moments"
- Anon
Deep Trauma Release Masterclass Format
Total Value: Ā£1750Ā
Price: Ā£695
South Africa Price SAR6950
Payment plans available
>> Enrol Now <<Upcoming Dates:
MarchĀ 2025

Limited Spaces Available
What Others Say About The Deep Trauma Release Masterclass

Assalamualaikum everyone..Alhumdulillah it's been a wonderful experience with the DTR was a little difficult initially to go through the traumatic incidents again, but it was necessary to do that for healing..the classes are well-structured n give us adequate time to learn each process well..n v can use the same for our other issues as n when clears up a lot of our negative baggage n helps us focus more, improving our connection with Allah SWT..May Allah blesses u abundantly Ustad Zuhair for helping us with this knowledge, which v would never have come across on our own..Jazakallahu khairan

Attending Deep Trauma Release with Ustadh Zuhair Girach, was just what I needed.
As a certified Aafiyah Healing Practitioner, it is always an honour to hold space for my clients.
And it is equally important that I seek therapeutic resolution to address challenges in my own life too.
Joining this intake of the Deep Trauma Release masterclass for the second time has been just as eye-opening as the first!
This masterclass gently and safely guides you through emotional processing and releasing.
After working through the exercises and techniques, I am now cherishing feeling more centered, relaxed, and grateful - with elevated productivity levels!
The Deep Trauma Release masterclass is something I highly recommend to other practitioners, therapists - to everyone who is ready to grow through what they've gone through.

I was at a point in my life where my physical pain immobilised me, to the extent where I could not even perform Salah standing. For me, nothing hurt more than not being able to do sujood on the floor. This was the turning point for me - I decided to revisit Deep Trauma Release Program (DTR).
DTR teaches a systemic way to find the root cause of the problem, and replace the negative emotions with positivity. What I found most amazing this time is that as soon as I released the emotional baggage & the negative talk from deep within me, I experienced the most wonderful, life changing shifts, AlHamdulillah.
My pains immediately dissolved, leaving me free to conduct my normal activities.
I feel much lighter & brighter & I have more clarity.
I went straight into sujood on the floor, to thank Allah Swt for the return of my mobility, AlHamdulillah.
Revisiting DTR took away the fear of facing this cathartic process by myself. I am now confident to repeat the process again independently.
If you trust & follow the process exactly as Brother Zuhair teaches it, it will transform your life, iA.
Everything that held you back will just dissolve away, leaving you in a state of peace, joy, love & gratitude, and InnSha Allah.
I would definitely recommend DTR & Revisit, to anyone & everyone who hasn't tried it yet. It is a great lifetime investment.
Brother Zuhair is an amazing teacher with a great sense of humor which makes you feel at ease. He equips you with lifelong tools so that you can continue your healing journey, InnSha Allah.
May AllahAzzwajjal bless him immensely, AmeenYRA.

The Deep Trauma Release course was a God send. As always brother Zuhair brings a wealth of information and knowledge to help individuals set themselves free of their physical mental emotional spiritual pain. After taking the Aafiyah workshop, I signed up for DTR. It has helped me change the narrative. I find that I have more control than I thought of my mental abilities. This is a guidebook that stays within the context of Islam for anyone who wished to deal with their deep-rooted troubles. I highly recommend it.

DTR has been a profound experience for me. Alhumdulela it has given me answers to questions that I have been seeking out for a very long time. It has given me tools on how to handle my emotions and how to set boundaries. It has equipped me with tools how to become a better person emotionally, physically and spiritually. My learning of how to manage my emotions has resulted in the disappearance of many body pains and ailments in the space of two weeks. Alhumdulela. I would recommend this course as a pre-requisite to anyone who has the willingness to change, grow and better themselves. I would advise anyone and everyone to go through a course such as this one. JazaakAllah to Ustaad for guiding and supporting us through the process.

Alhamdulillah during the process and after DTR, I have noticed slight shifts in my emotions and attitude. I feel genuinely more grateful, happy, and pleased with Allah's decree. I'm the type of person who tends to stress myself out about everything and allow my mood to instantly shift... but I've noticed that I've been getting less upset over small mishaps like missing a train, dropping something, etc. instead I say alhamdulillah and breath through it.
I pray that Allah gives us all Shifa and Aafiyah inwardly and outwardly

When I joined the DTR course, I was an emotional, anxiety-ridden individual who felt physical pain in my stomach and lowers back daily. I would be tearful with fear and feel completely helpless. During the two weeks of the DTR, I have now learned the root causes of my pain, I have managed to address the triggers and now I am equipped with the knowledge to release certain triggers which have been affecting my life for so many years. As a result of this my anxiety has disappeared and my back and stomach pains have as good as gone completely. Even though the course has finished, I feel this is just the beginning of my exploring certain triggers and living a happier stress-free life.
Over the past few weeks, I have felt lighter, and happier within myself and Inshallah will continue to do so. I highly recommend Zuhair and the DTR course to anyone who is feeling emotionally or physically challenged. This course, although intense has really helped me identify situations i have previously pushed far out of my mind. I am now equipped with lifelong tools to help me heal and i am so grateful to Zuhair for helping me through this journey. JZK

When I joined DTR, it was straight after I had become a master NLP coach and I had done an awareness course on trauma. I had awareness of Trauma but I did not know why my trauma had resurfaced when I had had so much growth and I had bounced back from that. I had hit a plateau.
This DTR release was so aligned with my faith and values so it really helped me get breakthroughs what helped was the guidance/support provided by brother Zuhair, the aftercare made me trust the process and that I was in safe hands. I that I could do the process without actually becoming a mess as that was my greatest fear. It got me to another level of healing. Thank you Brother Zuhair for facilitating my journey you have given me skills for a lifetime and a new trust in myself in the way I will handle negative emotions without panic or fear. Brother Zuhair is an excellent teacher and coach. I got my value for money and it was definitely worth the investment. May Allah ( S.W.T ) reward you and bless Aafiyah's healing for the excellent service you provide.
(Payment Plans Available)
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About Your Host
Zuhair Girach is the founder of Aafiyah Healing; an alternative healing modality focusing on physical and emotional problems. He has successfully taught the art of Aafiyah Energy and Emotional Healing across the UK and globally.
Zuhair is a charismatic trainer who delivers “life transforming” workshops and seminars on various disciplines of Healing, Mental Health and Wellbeing. He is also a Qualified Clinical Psycho-Hypnotherapist, counsellor and Hijama therapist.
Zuhair is known for the ability to readily identify his clients’ underlying emotional root problems and proceed to effectively combine various healing techniques and therapies to promote ‘deep healing’ and emotional releases, ultimately leading to holistic well-being.

How will the sessions occur?
What if I can't attend the live sessions?
What if I don't have trauma?
Do I need to share any personal information on the live sessions?