Aafiyah Coaching Experience

Evergreen Coaching Program | Self-Development & Business Skills

Join the Aafiyah Coaching Experience, an evergreen program that offers comprehensive training in mindset, personal development, and business skills. Discover what coaching entails and transform your life.


This program is made up of three core components,

with four modules dedicated to each component

Mindset development module


Mindset development module

Personal Development

Mindset development module


Who is it for?

Anyone who is curious about coaching and wants to explore what it takes to become a coach. Whether you're looking to develop your own skills or simply want to gain a deeper understanding of coaching.

This program is for you.

Enrol Now and Start Your Coaching Journey

Program Benefits


Enjoy the flexibility to study at your own pace, engage deeply with the materials, and gain a thorough understanding of coaching principles.

Participants in a coaching session

Ongoing Support

Access our dedicated Facebook and WhatsApp groups to connect with peers, share insights, and receive guidance from expert coaches. Support is available for six months to ensure you get the most out of the program

Updated Program

We regularly update our program with new and exciting content to keep you engaged and motivated.

By the end of the Aafiyah Coaching Experience, you will have

  • A solid understanding of the fundamental principles of coaching.
  • Gained a deeper insight into your own strengths, values, and purpose.
  • Be ready to take the next steps towards a fulfilling career in coaching.

Alhamdulilah, Allah ta'ala has guided me by bringing Aafiyah Healing by Brother Zuhair Girach onto my path. During the ACE programme, I was able to recognize triggers and self-sabotaging behaviors. I was able to take stock of my thoughts and actions, I was given the necessary tools and keys to apply consciously on a daily basis to better my relationships with family and friends. Alhamdulilah I was made aware of being in the here and now and most importantly using my precious moments in the best possible manner to achieve only the most positive results. 

May Allah ta'ala shower HIS blessings on Br Zuhair Girach and his family, ameen

Fariha Wajar

I am extremely grateful for the skills that the Ace programme I feel that it's helped me to question my thoughts, feelings and emotions and to better recognize the relationship between my daily events and reality and the impact it's having on my health. In addition to learning recognize patterns in my life and where they are developing.  It's also helped enabled me to feel like I'm able to regain control over my life which is a huge issue for. I love the fact that I can now recognize when I'm reacting as opposed to responding and and and to investigate why I am doing so.


What's Inside Aafiyah Coaching Experience


  We are what we do repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle 

Mindset Development: the mind is everything; what you think, you become.


Most of us think negative of ourselves and cannot break away from self-limiting thought patterns.


The Mindset module comprises of 4 sessions which:


  • Gets to the root of the busy-ness in your head so you can be more mindful of your negative self-talk.
  • Learn why you are the way you are and change that.
  • Pay attention to your negative thinking and challenge it with the intention to change it.
  • Learn how to nurture good habits and seek good company, an act of Sunnah.
  • Learn how to use the Prophet SAW as a means of guidance and a role model.
  • How to utilise your time with accountability of the time you spend on things that could beeliminated.


"Learning is from the cradle to the grave" Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). 


Personal Development is all about improving awareness and identity, about your talents
and fulfilling potential. Personal development takes place over a course of a person’s entire


The Personal Development module includes four sessions covering:


  • Finding your purpose
  • Finding gaps in your life

  • Where is your mind focused?

  • What are your goals and aspirations? Are you focused on the Dunya or the Hereafter?

  • Understanding the dunya and our purpose in it and what we, our body, comprises of.

  • Your objective as a Muslim, and following Shariah and Sunnah

  • Understanding Praiseworthy and Blameworthy traits.

  • Understanding Nafs – your desires/ego.

  • Self-discipline; one of the roads to success in this world and Hereafter is of discipline.

  • How to become your best self; from the physical, the emotional and the spiritual

  • Understanding the states of a Muslim

  • Managing your fear of failure and your self-limiting beliefs

  • Fear of achievement: why do we hold ourselves back?

  • Obstacles: how to combat setbacks

  • Character: the real source of lasting effectiveness lies in strong character.

  • Self-reflection: am I living up to my core values and personal mission? Have I utilised my skills and talents? Am I making a positive impact?

  • Leaving behind a legacy.

  • Developing mental resilience

  • How to elevate change in your life.

  • Mindfulness in Islam

  • Aligning the mind

  • Shifting your emotional states; embracing and pushing ourselves into a feeling of LOVE, GRATITUDE, JOY & COMPASSION.

  • Family and quality time; how do you show up for family?

  • Goals: SMART goals.


Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. (Quran, 13:11)


Business Module is all about business but again, faith aligned, which is what a lot of coaches
seem to miss, even in the Muslim world of coaching!


The first two modules lead onto this module as you cannot have a successful business unless you are fully present, accepting and
accountable with yourself.


The Business Module shows you:

  • The Formula for Success; from a beautiful Islamic perspective; discussed in the Personal Development module too.

  • SMART goals

  • Setting visions for where you see yourself in 1, 3, 5 and 10 years.

  • Vision board; goal setting

  • Understanding your target market

  • Understanding economic trends

  • Sales; what affects sales, forecasting

  • Your strategy

  • Marketing; an introduction to social media and the different platforms

  • Email marketing

  • Investing in yourself

I initially did ACE to add to my tool kit in helping clients in their journey to healing. However, it has SubhanaAllah helped me personally to analyze my own thoughts and self-talk with increased awareness of my mind chatter.

It has allowed me to really dig deep into what issues were coming up. This question in particular was a game changer WHY DOES IT MATTER? 

The ACE mindset module has aided me in increasing self-awareness, being the observer of my thoughts, stopping and challenging negative thoughts, responding rather than reacting, and recognizing what emotions are coming to the surface and the triggers associated with them. It also has been a revision for me on what was covered in workshops enhancing my knowledge and understanding of working with changing the mindset. 

Ultimately I am not being so hard on myself and feel proud of how far I have come Alhamdulillah. It really is so easy to help others but doing the inner work and introspection yourself is difficult but not impossible. I am excited to continue to work on myself and to continue with the next module on business setup. 

JazakaAllah brother Zuhair for your continued support, encouragement, and reminders that healing is messy, a process, and a lifelong journey. 

Saiqa Akhtar

Just a little thank you for all the tools you've given!

I didn't think to realise until today how much I've actually learnt over the past year and the difference it has made. I started asking myself some questions not judging any of them and realized I had the answer to this dilemma and that I just needed to search within for clarity. But without the tools you've given me, I probably wouldn't have been able to do it. 

So thank you for all the information and courses you've done and may Allah swt reward you immensely and allow your work to continue with many ppl benefiting from it.

Aisha Ali

I don’t think I had understood Allah SWTs miracles fully until I embarked on the Personal Development course with Ustad Zuhair Girach.

Started working on myself and paying heed to blameworthy traits (reference: Degrees of the Soul). 

Through sickness and health, my body responded to certain thoughts. Anger and unforgiving emotions would cause pain in my body. Excessive eating would lead to illness and weakness and a coldness. Too much strain on my life left my head buzzing with a million thoughts until severe sickness prevailed. 

Each day I said to myself; Allah supports me in my journey and I am supported in my journey. I am loved and grateful. 

Even through sickness, I understood I had layers and layers to peel through to get to the core limiting belief. SubhanAllah, the shift, when it came, gave me the energy to fight the sickness. Either that, or my self limiting belief was the sickness. But when I realise what I had been doing to me and my life, Alhamdullilah, another change.

We are not here to serve everyone else’s needs. Our purpose isn’t just for the Creation. To achieve our purpose, we must work on ourselves first. Simple, but we let so many things come in the way. If we truly want to see a change, we change ourselves first. 

May it be long lasting.

May it help me serve better.

May it make me better. 

Zainab Patel


So, if you're ready to explore what coaching entails, enroll in the Aafiyah Coaching Experience today and start your journey towards gaining a deeper understanding of this exciting and fulfilling career.


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