Life Lessons From Skiing

uncategorized Feb 02, 2024

By Iskander Abbas

My Journey to Aafiyah Healing began in 2018, four years prior to which I had gone through an unamicable divorce, self-represented in the family courts, suffered sciatica and spiralled into an emotional low. I decided it was time to heal from within, to let go of that which didn’t serve me and rebuild my physical, emotional, and ultimately spiritual self. I worked through the Deep Trauma Release (DTR) and Aafiyah Healing course, completed my practitioner hours, and now serve my community. Through this journey I have also come to realise the importance of connecting to nature and witnessing the wisdom Allah (swt) has placed therein. Here I share my insights from a January 2024 ski trip to the Italian Alps.


A good start to the day is essential for success on the slopes as it is in life. First thing in the morning the mind is quiet and thus can be primed for the day ahead with meditation and prayer. A typical ski day involves, breakfast, ski, lunch, ski, shower, dinner, sleep. A simple routine that re-aligns the body clock, sleep and recovery. 


Those around us can be a source of inspiration especially when we don’t feel our best. On the ski slopes you’ll find the very young and elders. Age is no barrier. The only one getting in our way is ourselves.


In life just as with skiing we need to be adaptable. Using the same approach and mindset regardless of the situation can lead to us feeling stuck. Adapting to the terrain and change in conditions is key for a good day on the slopes as in life. Soft powder snow isn’t the same as ice.



On the slopes never underestimate the mountains. Show it respect and it will reveal it’s wisdom. If not, you may find yourself collapsed in a heap. To maintain healthy relationships respect and good etiquettes go a long way.


Often, we are so focused on our goal, that we fail to appreciate the journey. How we got there is just as important as getting there. 


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