Aafiyah Healing Practitioner's Journey
Parveen Dodia

All praise and thanks are to Allah, the Most High. Nothing would be possible without His Grace, and I am eternally grateful for that. He SWT guided me to Aafiyah Healing and it truly has been the greatest blessing. Spending years trying to think of a way to help family, friends and all others yet not wanting to sacrifice time and responsibilities towards my family, Aafiyah Healing enables me to do it all, Alhumdulillah!
By reading a snippet of my profile, you have a glimpse of what I went through over the years. But instead of going into details, what I would like to share with you is the effect the trauma had on me. After leaving the toxic marriage, I vowed not to let the past get to me. I threw myself into going back to complete my studies, gaining a qualification as a chartered accountant. I moved on to finding an amazing job at a global accountancy firm, working as a tax consultant. However, at the back of mind, I really wanted to get married again, have children and settle down. By the Grace of Almighty Allah, my heart's dua was answered, and I met the man I am now proud to call my husband.
I was happily married and pretty settled in life. I can honestly say that I had no major issues. However, I struggled with anxiety, bouts of depression and cold sweats. And I was always in a state of fatigue. In 2019 I attended the Aafiyah Healing Workshop and this is when I was shocked to the core. After Brother Zuhair facilitated a trauma release session for me, I realised how much my past was actually impacting my present life. I was initially feeling vulnerable, yet at the same time, angry at myself for opening the proverbial can of worms.
But having done the workshop and understanding at such a deep level the impact of emotions on our mind, body and heart, I knew I had to face my fears and work through my trauma. It took months of consistent time, patience, hardwork - and a whole lot of tears but Alhamdulillah I pulled through. Through the tools provided in the workshop, as well as the Deep Trauma Masterclass, Allah Almighty enabled me to find relief from:
- Anxiety
-Cold sweats
-PMS / Hormonal imbalance
-Stomach issues - nausea, constipation or diarrhoea
-Knee pain
However, my greatest and most precious gift I have received through my healing journey is my deeper spiritual connection with my Rabb, Allah Almighty. And this is something that words fail to express. I can only say that I wouldn't change a thing in my past as it has delivered me to this place of complete trust and submission to my Lord.
I also learnt that healing is a life long journey. We will, without a doubt, go through trials and tribulations. But with the tools that Aafiyah Healing provides we can get through the challenging times by the Grace and Mercy of Allah Almighty.
I am truly blessed to be part of the Aafiyah Healing Family... a wonderful group of people, dedicated to helping others through the work they do, their duas, support, love and encouragement. A group of people who never turn away anyone, help without judgement and show compassion and gentleness to all. Brother Zuhair has created an awesome environment of love and healing...one small shift in any one individual has a massive impact on so many levels - The Butterfly Effect, SubhanAllah! May Allah Almighty increase Brother Zuhair, preserve him and enable him to reach the millions of people who so desperately need the mercy, compassion, gentleness and empathy that our beloved Rasul Sallalahu Alayhi Wasalam taught us to embody, Ameen Allahumma Ameen!
I therefore invite you to say Bismillah and start your own healing journey. Release yourself from the shackles of your past and get ready to embrace a new future!
Love, light and healing,
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